Monday, 24 May 2010

Wind-Up Radios Help Community Development

Similar to our own ideas and, indeed, efforts in Haiti, wind-up radios are being deployed in Afghanistan to help improve local governance networks. This seems to be a trial but we think likely to succeed. Its good to see basic communication infrastructures being establised in remote locations for the benefit of the local, rural population. Although, let's not be naive as there are no doubt alterior motives at play here. Nonetheless, should the network prove to be successful we see no reason why it should not be used for purposes beyond taxation collection, etc. For instance, it would be a fairly simple step to commence broadcasting 'educational' content. Furthermore, with the addition of inexpensive mobile phones, such as the one we sent to Haiti - together with a Solio solar charger - communications can become two-way thereby actually empowering local communities to steer their own destiny a little more. Once this is realised the possibilities are almost endless.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

so sol

Still waiting to get ahold of a working (and affordable) solar charger for a PDA to send overseas. Unfortunately we've been having little joy with a host of commercially available products. Hopefully this will be resolved soon though.

Meanwhile the PDA is 'good to go' and includes our 'ICT Helper' software to recommend potentional solutions (utilising an Expert System) to these kinds of issues. Its just a prototype so far but hopefully the complete package will create a solid (and inspirational?) foundation.

These frustrations are rather annoying but certainly one has to persevere to solve these pressing problems. We're not prepared to 'sit around' and see the issues just pass us by...this attitude has prevailed for far too long already.

Meanwhile our experiments with our own technological solutions to sustainability will hopefully resume soon...

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

DIYNGO Site Updates

So, a little site maintenance has taken place:
  • Gone are the two flags - we never found the time to translate the site to French unfortunately. Shame really since English tends to dominate far too much.
  • Links to the Ning and Webjam blog posts are now under 'resources' together with other useful documents.
  • Links to Blogger and Google Groups are under 'collaborate'.
  • A few other behind-the-scenes files have been tidied up.
Overall, this should create a much simpler and easier to use website.

Any problems please do let us know!



We decided to try Google Groups as a means of basic collaboration since Ning and Webjam weren't working to well. We don't give in easily! :-)

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

DIYNGO Desiderata

It seems some time ago now since DIYNGO was dreamed up under what were actually rather difficult circumstances. Although, that said, it probably festered over a prolonged period of reflection.

At first DIYNGO was simply a whole host of ideas without form or shape which were probably not believed by the great majority to whom they were communicated. Perhaps some even felt they were deluded; success would be so far removed from reality that the twain shall never meet. That said, I believe some did think DIYNGO may have legs...

It takes a lot of self-belief and tenacity to move an idea from the realms of the mind to verifiable actions in the physical world. Luckily, DIYNGO is now maturing, having been around for over a year. Technologies we wished existed are beginning to look possible and, indeed, have been proven to work in the areas we wished to investigate. Furthermore, our philosophies are looking like they were 'right' all along...

More to the point though, in this Blog post, is the amount of faith one has to have in one's dreams in order to make them a reality. To fashion something from nothing does not have to be the alchemist's dream alone. It is possible, with determination creativity and sheer bravado at times, to 'fly in the face' of criticism and numerous other obstacles placed in the way of truly innovative projects.

That's all I have to say.


Tuesday, 4 May 2010

AGM1 Minutes

Just added AGM1 minutes as a separate 2 page document under 'resources' at

And We're Back!

So, we moved from Webjam - which was a great product albeit a little flakey (we found it didn't work in Mini Opera and so couldn't be used in 'the field') to Ning - which has decided to start applying a new fees-only business model - (that we cannot afford) back to the stalwart Blogger!

More news to come as it emerges. Meanwhile do please keep an eye on

Thanks for your patience...
